February 18, 2025

2023 Artists

Diana Bahr

Encaustic painting

Roxana Bahrami

Acrylic pointillism (dot) painting and decor

Rich Baker

Metal Sculpture

Dar Bolahood

Fine mohair wearables and blankets

Rita Brouwers

Art Quilting

Ginny Carnevale


Laura Cook


Ellie G Cooper

Acrylic and mixed media painting

Michelle Dechert

Resin-in-wood wall art and decor

Sanela Dizdar

Painting and Drawing

Sheri Dowdall

Reclaimed wood mosaic wall art and functional pieces

Karen & Rob Doyling


Deborah Dryden

Encaustic/cold wax/oil painting

Dennis Gaumond


Anne M Harris

Acrylic painting

Samiha Hassan

Digital illustrations

Jennifer Horst

Acrylic painting

Gina Jacklin

Mixed Media

Roshan James

Multimedia painting

Tania Klimasko-Hoffman

Watercolour/acrylic painting

Harry Kooy

Wire art and kinetic copper sculptures

Melissa Kristensen Smith

Photography on reclaimed wood

Cornelia LeRoux

Acrylic/watercolour painting

Jeanette Lourens

Wool handmade and hand woven functional designs

Robb Martin

Custom metal sculpture and wall designs

Tami Martin


Kim McKellar

Kiln-fired glass art

Haley McLeod

Functional pottery

Kristin Moore


Jennifer Osborn

Felted wool painting

Jason Panda

Mixed Media

Carolyn Parks

Felted wool painting

Greg Pautler

Watercolour painting

Gwen Penner

Woven fibre art

Ann Plotkin

Felted wool wearable designs

Robbin Pulver-Andrews

Mixed Media painting

Lynne Ramage

Oil/watercolour/acrylic painting

John Richer


Janet Rix


Jax Rula

Doll Artist

John Rula

Acrylic/ oil painting

Danielle Saint-Onge

Acrylic/watercolour painting

Jonathan Sau


Enia Sitole

Acrylic painting/outdoor & indoor murals

Sharon Steenburg

Stained glass

Elvan Suzer

Mixed media sculpture and painting

Della vanDokkumburg

Watercolour/ink/digital/urban sketching

Julie Wemp

Fluid acrylic and watercolour painting

Adrienne Zoe


Sandra Zuidema

Decorative pottery